I’ll start out by treating WordPress as an actual blog rather than a glorified news script by saying that I recently got a job. Because of this, the development for Pictus is currently at a stand-still and I can not at this time say whether or not things will stay like this in the long run. My current plan is to see if I’ll be able to start working again on Pictus in the semi-near future and if failing that, release it as open source. The latter is unfortunately unlikely to improve the situation much, as there are already countless well known and active FOSS projects that developers can contribute to instead. I’ll try to post an update in about a month or so with a more concrete decision.
I’ll try to end this post with a slightly more positive spin by posting a screenshot of the current development build. Not visible in this static image is that the toolbar fades away when the cursor isn’t near the toolbar location. Also, rendering was being rewritten to be fully hardware accelerated.
Unfortunately, it’s quite far away from being release-worthy.